Soirée de Clôture de la Marrakech Fashion Week

Soirée de Clôture de la Marrakech Fashion Week
Soirée de Clôture de la Marrakech Fashion Week
Soirée de Clôture de la Marrakech Fashion Week
Billets vendus par : Marrakech Fashion Week


Marrakech Fashion Week sur

Marrakech fashion week is creating an exclusive fashionable venue for all types of designers and houses of couture.A fashion week that every creative person needs to know, regardless of their type of affinity with fashion.
The event is following a futuristic vision for designers who will have the chance to show their pieces to the world, exposing their vision, beliefs, and aesthetics.
You will attend a clever mix of runways, presentations and digital initiatives, highlighting all backstage and front office needs.
From Lights, Stage management, models, Beauty experts, sponsors, partners, and spots: we will do it all for you!

Billetterie en mode liste

Alkamar Camp
Alkamar Camp, 40254, Agafay, Maroc
Samedi 18 Mars 2023 à 18h00 de 2000 à 2500 Dh
Billet avec transport
Accès fashion show, coktail dînatoire, after show. (Le transport est inclu)
2500 Dh
Billet sans transport
Accès fashion show, coktail dînatoire, after show (Le transport n'est pas inclu)
2000 Dh
D'autres événements par Marrakech Fashion Week


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Logo Marrakech Fashion Week
5 résidence Elisabeth Avenue Hassan 2, 40000, Marrakech, Maroc
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Paiement sécurisé
Tous les paiements sur sont parfaitement sécurisés et chiffrés avec la technologie SSL.
Alkamar Camp.
Alkamar Camp, 40254, Agafay, Maroc

Total 0 Dh